Big Damn Heroics #4: Firefly — Shindig

David Black
10 min readJan 24, 2021

It’s party time on Persephone…


Broadcast Date
4th October 2002

Mal, Inara and Kaylee attend a party on Persephone. When Inara’s client insults her, Mal retaliates and finds himself in a duel…with swords.

Firsts & Lasts
Last episode to use the first version of Mal’s opening narration. Last episode to feature Badger unless you watched on original broadcast in which case this was the first episode to feature Badger. First appearance of the crew playing a card game.

The Ship
Serenity has at least two engines. Access to sleeping quarters is via a hatch with rungs attached to it. Kaylee has installed an inter-engine fermentation system for the production of alcohol.

The Crew
They clearly share chores including the dishes, the garbage, the septic vac(uum).

He disapproves of slavery. Mal’s a good pickpocket. He steals Wright’s wallet, provoking a bar fight. Kaylee dubs him ‘Captain Tightpants’. He knows at least one courtly dance. Mal punches Wing for insulting Inara and Wing challenge him to a duel, Mal accepts. During the duel, Mal gets slashed in the…



David Black
David Black

Written by David Black

Actor, writer and intergalactic bounty hunter (it’s possible that one of these is not true)

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