Member-only story
An Interview With Pulp
From 1997 to its close in 2002, I was a member of Pulp People, the fan club of the Sheffield band. Over the years newsletters were sent out as and when there was enough news to fill them. Many included a feature called ‘Ask Dr Pulp’ in which assembled members of the band would answer questions sent in by fans.
So here are the questions the good Doctor asked Candida Doyle, Jarvis Cocker, Mark Webber, Nick Banks & Steve Mackey on my behalf, presented here as if in the form of a continuous interview. I seemed to have a knack for asking the wrong question:
Why is The Day After The Revolution “so bloody long”?
Candida: “Don’t ask me!”
Jarvis: “The song itself is only the regulation four minutes”
Mark: “What kind of a stupid question is that?”
How democratic are decisions made within the group?
Nick: “Sometimes it’s difficult for decisions to be made by committee. Pulp democracy changes depending on the subject in question.”
Candida: “I’ll have to come to an agreement with the rest of the band before I answer this one, unless Jarvis has a particular answer.”
Do Pulp think Britpop is dead, and does it really matter?
Candida: “Well, I never liked the Britpop idea but the sad thing is, now that it’s gone —…